Sunday, March 05, 2006


On Wednesday, I taught English to the five-year-olds at the kindergarten. It was the last time I would be teaching them there (although I will see them at the elementary school come April) so the teachers had made all the kids draw pictures of me, which were then presented to me in book form. Here are a selection of pictures. (They are badly scanned because they are large and did not fit into my scanning tray properly).

The girl who drew this picture remembered one of the games I played with them. Aw, I do make a difference!

Eleven kids drew me with a kid's hairstyle. Ten of those drew me with pig-tails (like below), and one girl drew me with a top-knot.

No less than 35 out of the 49 kids drew me with huge red juu-juu lips.

This one is probably my favourite. I look cute! (But I'm not too sure what that black thing between my legs is supposed to be . . . )

Some kids are better at drawing than others.

Seven kids drew me holding a flower or next to a flower. This is a mystery to me.

Eight kids drew me wearing a crucifix necklace (seven right-way-up crucifi and one upside-down crucifix). I do not own a crucifix-shaped necklace, or a crucifix-shaped anything for that matter.

Oh, and I may as well take this opportunity to point out that kids in Japan draw the Sun red, not yellow.

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