Monday, February 05, 2007

Pictures of me looking like a twit

Here are the pictures from the photoshoot that I talked about in my last post. Don't I look silly? I would just like to point out that I didn't come up with any of the poses, so please don't use them as an excuse to laugh at me.

Here's the mismatching hair:

The guy did something funny to me in Photoshop on this picture. He tried to make me look thinner, but he has made me a very funny shape. Look at my left arm. He cut off the part of my arm that is big because of muscle and left the part that is big because of fat. I look like I have absolutely no muscle tone whatsoever :(


Starcryer said...

I actually like all of these pictures (except perhaps the first two - the style doesn't really appeal to me), I think the pink hair is great, and black dress is classy (and the expression on your face priceless), the wedding dress ones are also not as bad as you think (and I curse you for your ability to wear white without looking completely like a blob!)

Catherine said...

The guy photoshopped the wedding dress pic to make me look thinner, because I did look like a blob. I have the raws too. They look rather different . . .

annie said...

oh. my. that is insane! and such a korean thing to do....