Sunday, February 18, 2007

Another One Down

I haven't really done anything this week that would be of interest to someone other than myself. I watched 'Howl's Moving Castle' in English and got all annoyed at how the voices didn't all suit the characters.

I had sore arms (from playing on a Wii console) until Wednesday.

I started reading The Tale of Genji. I am finding it suspiciously accessible. I am reading the Arthur Waley translation, and a brief internet search showed that many people criticise Waley for taking too many liberties with the text.

I ate a lot of carrot (see previous post).

A shipment arrived for me from I bought some books by Neil Gaiman and Frontier, a CD by the Yoshida Brothers. It is a CD of shamisen music, and it is really good.

This week I also wrote two short stories.

Yesterday I played a little bit of FFXII. I am at the 'level up until you are strong enough to finish the game' stage, which is usually the least enjoyable part of the game.

That's about it, really.

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