Monday, February 05, 2007

Name Change

For quite a while now, blogger has been adding the signature 'posted by Catherine' on the end of my posts. I don't have any site tracking going on here, but I think that most people who read this blog either know me, or arrived via my new MySpace page where my name is quite clearly shown. (Hello, Jane. Thanks for dropping by.) So I don't really need to bother with a user name, do I?

Since this blog is now one year old, I thought I would celebrate by giving it a name change. But into what? I think the 'Togiren' part should go. It was a cool user name last year, made up of alternate readings of the kanji I chose to phonetcally represent my name. But since then I have learned that Togiren is also the name of an antibacterial medicine, which is not so cool. I can't change the URL of this blog without confusing people, but I can change the header at the top.

My brain is, as the Japanese say, 'ma-shiro.' I can't think of anything.

If anyone can think of a new name for my blog, please leave a comment at the end of this post. Mum, Dad; since you seem to be unable to figure out how to leave comments, just send me an e-mail ;)


Starcryer said...

Hmmm, I haven't had an epiphany yet... When I named my blog, I opened my dictionary about 5 times, looking for an appropriate single word. Then I found the entry
Gnonmon (n) rod or pin etc. of sundial, showing time by its shadow.
I went with the description. So you could try something like that.

Other than that, I guess it depends on what you are going for.
A Japanese influence? Something that infers traveling?

If I was to name it (off the topof my head), I would call it A Muse's Musings. Because that is what you are to me, you inspire me to think, outside of my square, and bring forth ideas and creativity

Catherine said...

Aww, thank you!

annie said...

um... thanks. you too!

name suggestions? i don't know....