Saturday, May 26, 2007

One bad thing about Japan

I had decided that today I would go all the way into Akita City to the only cinema in the area located near a train station to see both Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End and Spiderman 3. I went on the web page for that cinema and found that the schedule for the coming week is released on Saturdays, and so on a Friday the next days schedule is not visible. Which is inconvenient. Anyway, this morning I checked the schedule again and Pirates wasn't on it. I found the list of upcoming new releases and even though the list goes up to August, Pirates isn't there.


ALVE is not showing Pirates? They're showing Spiderman, they will be showing Shrek, Zodiac and 300, but Pirates of the Caribbean isn't good enough for them? This sucks. I know that Pirates is being shown at Akita AEON Plaza but you need a car to get to AEON because it is stuck out in the middle of nowhere. The same with Mikawa AEON in Yamagata Prefecture. I'm starting to feel a little glad that I will be leaving the Japanese countryside and going back to the Wellington area soon.

Maybe I will have time next week to see Pirates in Tokyo. I hope so.

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