Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A busy week

It looks as if the rainy season has finally ended. Too bad there is a typhoon on the way.

I have had a very busy week. On Friday I performed at a festival in Honjo. Straight after the festival ended I changed clothes and then went out with my friends. It was Amanda's last night in Honjo, and Amelie the new Honjo ALT's first night out in Honjo. Amelie went home a little early, but the rest of us were partying until 4am. The sun was rising as I walked to Amanda's apartment. That morning, Amanda's bosses came over to help turn the power off and such. Then we went to the train station. My train south left 10 minutes before Amanda's train north so while everyone was still giving presents to Amanda and such, I had to say goodbye. As Amanda said, us ALTs can always meet again because we all like travelling.

I went home, had a shower, slept for an hour and a half and then got up again to get ready to go out again. Atsuko came over to lend me a nicer obi for my yukata and then we went to Honjo with Miwa, all three of us wearing yukata, to watch the Honjo fireworks. On Sunday I performed at a small event in Akita City.

Now it is hot and icky and the teachers seem strangely reluctant to use the aircon that was installed in the staff room during spring. Why???

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