Friday, March 28, 2008

Aro Valley

I no longer have internet access in the evenings and weekends. This is a bad thing. But the reason why I don't have internet access in the evenings anymore is because I moved out of home (again). Which is good. I found a small 1 bedroom (not a bedsit) flat in Aro Valley, and moved in on Monday. It is a fully furnished flat, which made moving in very easy and cheap. I have a small living room, a sunny bedroom, a usable kitchen and a bathroom with a spacious shower. It takes me about 25 minutes to walk to class in the morning, which is considerably faster than the 1hr 25mins it was taking me to get to class from my parents' house in the Hutt. All in all, I'm quite pleased with myself.

Last night I went to see a documentary that was playing at the Paramount cinema. It was called Helvetica and was all about the typeface (font) of the same name. A documentary about a font? Sounds boring, I know. But it was actually very interesting and surprisingly funny. There were more than a few moments of 'whole audience laugh-out-loud' goodness. I'm sure if I tried to explain what the documentary talked about I would make it sound horribly boring and put people off seeing it. Instead, take my word that it is worth watching if ever you get a chance.


Starcryer said...

Its awesome that you found your own place!
Are you going to get the net hooked up eventually; or have you decided that it costs too much so you will use it at uni?
Either way, Well done! Nice to have your own space.

Catherine said...

I'm still trying to decide. It doesn't cost much for internet these days, but you have to get a phone line to get internet and since I hardly ever ring anyone, it seems a waste of money.