Monday, September 11, 2006

Pictures part 1

One day the other week in the middle of the hottest part of summer, I returned home from work to find that one of my healthiest plants had lost about a third of it's leaves since that morning. Over the next few hours, it lost over half of the remaining leaves. Look at all the leaves lying (positioned by me) around the poor plant. Please notice how green and healthy-looking the fallen leaves were.

Above you can see the stem and all the places where the leaves fell off from.

Half an hour after I took these pictures, another stem of leaves fell off. No more have fallen since then. The plant has three large stems of leaves and one small stunty one with two tiny leaves, and that is all. I put the plant closer to the window because I thought it would need more sunlight if the remaining leaves were to pick up the slack from the fallen ones. I am happy to say that yesterday I noticed that the plant has started to grow new leaves. Yay! They are still too tiny to take pictures of, so I will take a picture later when they are bigger.

And here is a picture of some fireworks in Honjo last month.

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